Fox's story

Moi! Tämä on tänne saapuu taas englanninkielinen postaus jossa itse tarina on kirjoitettu imperfektissä, joten vähän haastetta lukijoille ja minulle. Tarina on siis Ketun tarina, eli tarina, jonka kertojana on kettu. Tämä on ehkä taas pienemmille suunnattu, mutta suosittelen silti lukemaan ja kartuttamaan kielitaitoasi, vaikka olisitkin jo vanhempi.

Kuva: Pixabay
Fox's story

I'm a fox and I think I'm younger than you. Am I right? Anyways. My mom said I'm the silliest fox she knows, but I'm only proud of it. And now I have a story. For you! 

I was next to the lake. The lake was cold, because it was winter. I thought the ice could carry me and I jumped on the lake. But the ice cracked and I fell. It was scary. I tried to swim, but I was so tired and I cloudn't swim. And then, the large paw caught me and I thought it ate me. I was terrified, more terrified than you ever! I closed my eyes and I slept. And the next day I woke up in the bear's home. It was so exciting.

I know. It isn't true. But you can't say: "It's bad story", you liked that story. Bye! See you in the next story. 


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