Snowflake's story

Moi! Tämä tarina on englanninkielinen ja sisältää todella paljon kielioppivirheitä. Ainakin luultavasti, joten toivottavasti se ei haittaa. Idea on siis se mitä mieltä lumihiutale on osastaan. (Juu, todella random) Kerro kommenteissa mielipiteesi jos voit ja kirjoitusvirheistä yms. saa tietenkin mainita.

Snowflake's story

I am floating down. My trip is short. But it is tall, because I am so little. 
I am one snowflake of many more snowflakes. 
But I know I am important. No one does do my work. Only I can float on the my place on The ground. 
Only I can. 
I am me. 
I am not which other. 
My trip is short, but it is important and it is only my trip. You can not doing my work. 
It is important to the whole world! 
I, little snowflake, am accountable from all over the world. Because, if I do not floating on the ground you do not can see me and I do not can doing you happy.


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